The Story With Martha MacCallum : FOXNEWSW : August 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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the lives of these children. kristen: without the donors. saint jude wouldn't be here. hunter: thank you so much. you have saved so many kids. announcer: let's cure childhood cancer together.

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>> afrmann them gillian turner and from arthur mccallum. this is the story. vice president harris defending what craig's view is a flip-flop on 2 major issues for swing state voters who could well decide the election. take a listen. >> in 2019 you said quote there's no question i am in favour of banning fracking as president i will not ban fracking. >> and 2019 when he first ran there was a debate you raise your hand when asked whether or not the border should be decriminalized. do you still believe that? >> i believe there should be consequence. we have laws that have to be followed and enforced. that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. >> she says her position have changed but are values of nonstatement, the trump campaign is pouncing on. >> you have the same values why have you changed your mind on every topic you have held an opinion on. she will do the same thing she e last for years, going to try to make it harder to get american energy book

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from american territory and make it harder for us to drive down the cost of everything from food to housing. she will make it harder for us to enforce border laws. it's absurd for kamala harris to say we don't believe in any of the thing i told you i believe 3 years ago. she's governed as a person who believes those things. >> gillian: we have a big line of this hour. clay travis is here. joe concha and the national review both standing by. let's go to senior white house correspondent jackie who joins us from the north lawn. >> reporter: vice president harris assessor values have not changed even though her campaign admits her positions have. they characterize that as 3 years of effective governance with joe biden. >> she made it clear some of her positions have evolved which is very standard manure in public service and you learn more about the issues as things evolve. sometimes your positions evolve. she leaned into her position on fracking.

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>> harris didn't exactly lean into her own position on fracking. she adopted joe biden's position after she became his running mate. in fact harris' 2020 campaign website had this pitch. after immediately halting only fossil fuel leases on federal lands and waters kamala will use existing attorneys and work with congress to phase out existing leases. the biden administration did the opposite outpacing the trump white house into approving permits for drilling on public lands. so harris claiming she would govern as joe biden did leaves a lot of open questions on the specifics. >> she can sail she wants about she's not okay with outright banning the fracking but she's also not saying what she's going to do through the regulatory environment. is she going to actually embrace and. if she's serious about bringing down inflation chance to be serious also about drilling and making sure that we have all the energy that we need inside the united states without importing energy like her state does from saudi arabia.

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>> this extends to other issues like the border. new york times opinion writer called her interview vague to the point of vacuous. sault jacqui heinrich at the white house this afternoon. thank you. let's bring in fox news contributor joe concha and national review senior writer. thanks for being here on sat with me. joe, we are used to politicians flip-flopping a.k.a. changing the minds a.k.a. evolving. i think watching the interview in full last night what we did get from harris for the first time was acknowledgement on some of these issues she has changed her mind. what we didn't get was a clear explanation as to why. >> clear as mud. that was my takeaway. what was years. >> my takeaway was we look to the style and substance and you juxtapose it with the rallies and coverage enjoy of the last 5 weeks of his campaign which can go any better for any political candidate in us history and then you look at the interview last

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night and i think it was an -net negative for the vice president for the reasons you talked about. she lacked energy. she often was looking down when she was giving her answers and it only lasted 18 minutes. that debate in september will be 90 minutes and she seemed to be running out of gas almost at that point. when you get to the substance the biggest take away what jackie just reported like you been talking about as well is the fracking that she said she was for fracking and she said on a debate stage in 2020. that was her claim. i looked at that transcript and that was with mike pence. there's no mention whatsoever of fracking or her support for and as jackie just reported on day 1 of the biden-harris administration they ban fracking on public land. so look at pennsylvania. nate silver finds whoever wins pennsylvania nate silver 538 whoever wins pennsylvania has 95% chance of winning the election as pennsylvania goes so does the selection. answer was clear as mud and when you're talking to voters there and they don't know where you stand on the biggest issue that

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will make it very hard to encode that state snack now that we have seen the interview there is as big lead up to everybody was speculating about what would be an, now that we seen it you think governor walz should have been in the room. is is that a good decision for the campaign? smack that's a good question. it depends on what kind of legs governor walz answer to the question that he got has and the response to that question was unsatisfying to the point of being unsatisfactory. he was asked to clear up the mendacity's he's been accused of and his answer was dissembling. it was more mendacity. >> saying i misspoke about my rank as my wife says my grammar is not always correct. it was multiple offences. he said his family have benefited from ivf treatments as opposed to a less invasive treatment or he had dissembled in his congressional campaign regarding a dui arrest. he got indignant and said i

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won't apologize for speaking passionately but i take responsibly for my mistakes. >> you didn't there. you just offloaded your mistakes. >> known as accusing him of speaking passionately. that wasn't the charge. >> the optics look weird. it looked like a parent teacher conference. talk with the set up. this is your specialty. how these people can sound and act. >> someone like a human resources office and to malls there whose tall and kamala harris needed a phonebook because she looked very low and often was slouched over. and danna basch in the background just looked odd. why was tim walz there? i guess the emotional support animal but look like she needed a chaperone's been saying this is my stage and moment. i will handle the questions. >> gillian: from the campaign's perspective do you think he served whatever purpose they wanted him to serve last night or still you think a big mistake. >> net negative them both and i

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don't think you'll see another interview from kamala harris or tim walz before the debate on september 10th or even after. >> that's a huge liability if they think this is all we get because there's not very little to talk about so we are going to parse this interview in order to get from this? kamala harris tiffany joe biden's record taking ownership of joe biden's record saying i have no regrets about essentially engaging in misleading comments regarding his condition what you knew and when you knew and then offering joe biden that he's got the judgment a character to be president. then why did you leave the office? we will spend the next 2 weeks pouring over these responses in which exposing liability to the price president tethered to an administration americans don't like. >> you are going to 5 seconds. after watching last night can you tell me what harris' vision is, what she stands for, what motivates her to get out of bed every morning under the hellacious campaign trail. what is it? >> clear as mud and is a huge

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problem when you can define your own campaign spee nik edin think she has a vision for the country to thing voters will conclude that is a continuation of that administration they dislike. the question is can the trump administration puncture this notion now that she's a candidate for change? i'm sure they can. >> thanks for joining me. great to see you. >> have a great holiday weekend. >> president trump expected upon interview to rally in battleground pennsylvania short time from now. new poll show harris' national lead is tight. the race could still very easily go either way. we have clay travis and robert wolf coming up for you next. 's for some reason she does want to talk to anybody. so she's either not the smartest light in the ceiling. i'm trying to be nice. be nice. it's hard to be nice when somebody is destroying your country and wants to destroy your country.

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[ ♪♪ ] >> gillian: welcome back. former president trump rallying in battleground pennsylvania today. going to take the podium a short time from now. we expect his reaction to vice president harris' first interview since announcing her candidacy. that happened last night. new polling reveals a national race that could not be any tighter. the candidates separated really by a point within the wall street journal's margin of error. clay travis and robert wolf are here but we go to correspondent brian annis in johnston pennsylvania. >> the latest fox news polls shows the race in pennsylvania is actually tied and today at 430 here at johnstown an trump won by 37 points in 2020 we

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expect the former president to attack vice president kamala harris on her flip-flopping on the issue of fracking and to react to the interview last night on that other network. this is what he said yesterday specifically about the is 1 preview clip he saw before he spoke to the crowded town hall in wisconsin. >> you look like a leader to me. i don't see her negotiating with president xi jinping of china. i don't see her with kim jong-un like we did. >> this is his fourth visit to pennsylvania and just last last month. yesterday he went to michigan and wisconsin and michigan the former president making a surprise announcement saying if he's elected presidents women would get free ivf or in vitro fertilization. listen. smack i've been seeing a lot of ivf and i kept hearing i'm against it and i'm actually very much for. the government is going to pay for it or we are going to get

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mandate your insurance company to pay for it. this new policy comes as fox news polls show harris is up on trump with women by 11 points in the sun belt states and that abortion remains harris' strongest issue with plus 19 points over former president trump on the issue of abortion and female reproductive health. 1 last thing is trump is going to washington dc to speak with moms for liberty parental rights for education event in dc tonight. smack brian in johnston for us. thank you very much. let's bring in clay travis out kickstand or and robert wolf former obama economic advisor now ceo of 32 advisors in the fox news contributor. thanks both for being here. i want your general thoughts on last night and then in particular let's drill down on fracking, the issue for which he's received the most criticism for supposedly flip-flopping. a number of outlets of

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benefactor check including cnn what she said last night which is she made a very clear as far back as 2020 she no longer supported a fracking than. take a quick listen. >> joe biden will not end fracking. he's been very clear. i will repeat and the american people know joe biden will not ban fracking. >> 's perfect sense that at the time she was speaking on behalf of biden president not vice president. maybe others feel differently. i did not hear anywhere in their kamala harris saying she had abandoned her previously expressed 2019 view. >> she dims did seem to acknowledge last night that she changed her mind but as we talked about a moment ago she nowhere in last night's interview explain why even when pushed. >> that's why they haven't had her sitting for any interviews." everyone has a happy labour day weekend as we roll in.

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it's interesting labour day we can because i felt as i watched that interview that tim walz who is sitting beside kamala harris was trying to serve as a lifeguard except he's not a very good swimmer so both ended up drowning during the course of that interview. danna basch wasn't even cnn pushing back very hard against her but she pointed out quite clearly that kamala reversed her opinion on fracking and would address it immediately if the elected president in 2019. she said biden didn't have same opinion. she said she believed in defunding the police. now she wants to fund the police. she said trump wanting to build the border wall was racist. now she wants to build the border wall and and she said she believed in electric vehicle mandate. now she wants to end the electric vehicle mandate. kamala harris is presenting the best argument against my harris by taking the exact opposite sides. tim walz the life guard who cannot save some but he from drowning was asked why he lied about carrying weapons of war in combat and said quote my grammar


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isn't always correct. he's a schoolteacher and he's been lying about that for 20 years. is a picture of him in 2004 saying he's a veteran of operation enduring freedom. he didn't answer danna basch's question about why he lied about his dui. this is a combination of the 2 dumbest people to ever be nominated for president and vice president in history. kamala harris. i really believed him ball -- tim walz is the dumbest person to theoretically be with in a heartbeat of the presidency. the guy is a moron. even on cnn can answer questions well. at the it was a great night for trump and that's why the gambling markets have made trump even more of a favour after kamala harris opened her mouth on cnn. >> gillian: okay robert. why didn't the governor answer the substantive questions put to him last night? to might the only thing he

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really spoke about at any length was his family. it certainly why his there. >> i hope i get the same amount of free time that you just give clay for that incredible advertisem*nt. i know he's very good on his podcast. so i hope i get to kind of rebut some of the. >> i'm good on podcast tv and national radio to be fair. >> i didn't interrupt you once so thick it's only fair that i get to have the same amount. smack you have the stage take it away. >> thank you. so listen. i think it's all about what the vice president said. it's what giving opportunity the middle class. let's state some facts. when former president trump was asked how he would rid inflation he talked about drill baby drill. the good thing about the harris perspective on energy is she now has an all and approach which we know has had more energy

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production than former president trump ever had. number 2 when asked about housing vice president harris has a very good plan to really go after the supply issue of 3 million homes. former president trump talk about mass deportation. completely irrelevant to the housing situation. when we went into talking about pro-choice no 1 has flip-flopped more than former president trump. he brags about ending roe v. wade continually and what's interesting when he talks about his ivs policy last night he must be talking about extending obamacare because that's only way really insurance companies would ever be able to pay for that. that would actually be a new condition put on for insurance companies. so the last thing let's talk about the border. i could argue the biggest flip-flopped her in the border hasn't former president trump because why isn't he supporting

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a bipartisan deal? that borders a poll as more -- border patrol supports adds more sun workers to make sure illegals don't cross the border, adds physical security and cyber security and was actually put forward by a conservative republican named senator langford. so listen i think this is a tight election. 1 paul has vice president up top. the other poll has former president trump. my view today is today vice president see underdog, i think the former president has a little lead but i think the momentum is with the current vice president. >> gillian: you both took of the time i had for the segments we have to leave it there with only 1 question to each. i hope you are happy with what we gave you the opportunity to lay out. thanks for taking time with us and have a great weekend. >> happy labour day. >> gillian: 1 of the doctors charged in connection to matthew perry's canned ketamine overdose

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death is about to appear in court in california. we will take you there live next. >> this network included a live-in assistant, various go-betweens, 2 medical doctors and a major source of drug supply known as quote ketamine clean. >> when clinic doctors refused to increases dosage he turned to dunsky pealess doctors who saw perry as a way to make quickhi mone..y. (1,2,3,4 . . ) akari: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) (♪) (♪) you were made to chase your passions. we were made to put them in a package. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie

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[ ♪♪ ] >> welcome back in unimaginable tragedy what the columbus blue jackets are saying about the death of hockey player johnny gaudreau and his brother matt. police say they are told by a suspected drunk driver riding bikes last night in their home state in new jersey. they were supposed to be today in their sister's wedding. johnny leaves behind a wife and 2 children under 2 years of age. he was 31 himself. his brother matt just 29. the associate press reports a suspect john higgins told police he had 5 or 6 beers before that crash, admitted drinking behind the wheel and failed obviously a sobriety test. he's facing charges including death by auto. he's gone to be locked up until his hearing which is slated to take place next week. moment ago 1 of the doctors charged in connection with matthew perry's overdose death

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arriving at federal court at an la. is expected to plead guilty there. chief correspondent jonathan hunt joins us live from la. >> gillian: that court appearance due to get underway in just about 30 minutes. according to prosecutors chavez who has said just arrived at the courthouse in downtown la was 1 of a network of doctors and dealers who paid on matthew perry's history of addiction, providing the actual with amounts of ketamine they knew were dangerous. doctor chavez is expected to plead guilty in the courtroom today having reached a plea agreement with prosecutors earlier this month. he will be the third person to plead guilty following the death of the friends star found face down a hot tub at his home last october. the medical examiner ruled ketamine was the primary cause of death. perry had apparently been using ketamine in a legal but off

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label treatment for depression but he wanted more than his own doctor would give him. doctor mark chaves was according to prosecutors 1 of those who helped supply him. chavez was asked by another doctor salvador placencia to help get the ketamine. they admitted he did so getting it through submitting a fraudulent prescription and selling it for $4,500. according to prosecutors they texted saying quote i wonder how much this moron will pay. doctor pleaded not guilty, remains 1 of the main targets of the investigation along with jasmine singer, a dealer known as the academy and quyon. >> gillian: jonathan hunt in la for us. former president trump is making another play now to try to delay sentencing in his new york case where he's been convicted on 34 criminal counts. we have former acting ag matt whitaker with us next

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>> gillian: former president trump lawyers trying again to delay sentencing in his new criminal trial. this time suggest in the case be turned over to federal court. so far no response from manhattan da alvin bragg. the former president insists he did nothing wrong and plans to appeal the conviction for falsifying business records. the sentencing in that case set for september 18th, less than 2 months from election day just couple of weeks from now. trump's lawyers right quote the ongoing proceedings will continue to cause direct and irreparable harm to president trump, the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election and voters located far beyond manhattan. let's go and bring in matt whitaker former acting attorney general under president trump. thanks for taking time with us today. what do you think with the latest player to try and get this sort of bumped up or remanded over to federal court. is it a winning strategy? >> good to be with you gillian.

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this appeal to the federal court i think is really important from a legal standpoint because as you know the trump campaign and donald trump particularly doesn't feeling judge merchan has given him a fair shake so the hope is that by making this appeal to the southern district of new york that they will take the case and give fair hearing to for example immunity question which is probably the most compelling argument in this appeal. >> forgive me for not knowing this but it strikes me is sort of unusual move. do see stuff like this happen with any regularity the state court will bump it up to federal court for the sentencing portion only? >> typically removal to federal court is not unusual. you see a lot of in civil cases. criminal cases it's a little more unusual but in this case

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because the interests are federal and you're dealing with the federal candidate for federal office then you would typically see a federal court with better jurisdiction and the appeal outlines for example the federal election commission there jurisdiction in this case. >> do you think, here's a point from the new york times, they write of the federal judge doesn't grant the request they will have further alienated justice marshawn as he prepares to sentence the client. trump faces of 24 years in prison. so he could as you well know easily receive a much sorter sentence. are they given that potentiality up by doing this? 's. i don't think so. i was in the courtroom with president trump and i saw judge merchan and how he treated trump , so i don't think this will alienate him anymore. they try to remove him 3 times from the case. obviously they've tried to now

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remove this to federal court. at that this is the second attempt. so this is not going to affect judge merchan. is clearly made up his mind. >> we have to leave it there. thank you for taking time with us. appreciated. >> thanks. good to see you. >> gillian: another judge set a deadline of today to hear from former president trump lawyers and special counsel jack smith with their proposals for the next steps plus an accompanying timeline for the election interference case. justice correspondent david reports live from dc with the breaking details. >> this was supposed to go to trial in dc and maria sharapova was delayed because of the supreme court ruling on immunity that presidents are immune if it's involving an official act. special counsel jack smith and donald trump's attorneys expected to submit status report to judge tonya within the next couple of hours which will show how both sides plan to move forward. will jack smith the man right there special council try to take this to trial before november 5th election? sources close to both sides say it's possible but that window is

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a most closed. trump received a superseding indictment essentially indicted again on the same 4 charges but the new indictment focuses more on the former president and his role as a candidate. think of trump's tweets and speeches to supporters while candidate. ultimately judge tonya check-in will make a decision. both sides will be in court in person next thursday to former president not expected to be there but we will get some sort of roadmap for where they plan to take over the next few months >> gillian: soon david live in dc for us. thank you. when we come back the aurora colorado council member who says the alleged venezuelan gang invasion of his denver area apartment complex is not unique were the only place for this is happening. stick with us. m blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.

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's. all right as governor responding to reports of a venezuelan gang taking over apartment buildings in aurora outside denver. police have not confirmed the man in the video we are showing you are gang members but a spokesperson for democratic governor jared polis tells new york post quote according to police intelligence is purported invasion is largely a feature of danielle's imagination. if they have knowledge of subjectivity the governor's office is quote ready to assist cops in taking them back. jared polis there talking about aurora council woman daniel german ski who will join us in a moment to react but first we go to senior national correspondent reporting live from la. >> prosecutors disagree entirely but there's a lot of finger-pointing in colorado many saying the problem began when the biden-harris team opened the border to migrant apprehensions

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from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and then pennsylvania. jumping from 17,000 encounters in 2020 to 600,000 in 2022. the administration greeted program providing migrants humanitarian parole but auditors found widespread fraud. migrants lying on their applications sponsors using fraudulent identities including dead people. traffickers demanding payment from those they sponsored. >> literally they are just funneling people into united states under this program with no expectation they will over to leave skin and that's what sources say we are seeing now in colorado. a mix of venison migrants along with graduates of the venezuelan prison gang extorting tenants for payment sphincter several buildings actually under the same ownership out-of-state ownership that have fallen to these venezuelan gangs. >> speaker-08: dhs briefly suspended the program because of the fraud but restarted it this

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week saying they think they've worked out the kinks. it still means we bring in 30,000 migrants a month from cuba haiti and nicaragua and venice for the. some have been infiltrated by these gangs. back to you smack william in la for us. thank you. let's go ahead and bring in aurora colorado city councilmember danielle jurinsky was found yourself suddenly in the midst of all of this. want to ask you first of all governor jared polis said this is a figment of your imagination. we had jon coleman on earlier on our network today. here's the da that represents aurora colorado. take a listen to what he said on americans newsroom's. i strongly disagree with the governor governor's comments. this is not misinformation. right now there's an active investigation to a massive shootout that occurred outside of 1 of these front man complexes. men ended up dead. that's not misinformation. these are real problems.

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i can tell you this is real. it's on imaginary and certainly not misinformation. >> gillian: do you feel vindicated at least partially by those comments? >> yeah, that's almost such a ridiculous comment that our governor made, almost 20 ridiculous to even respond to that i've known since i knew this was happening since i found out that there's people still living like this and went in for myself to move them out. i know the truth and have known the truth. jared polis would as well if you would visit these apartment complexes but you also have cindy romero on this channel earlier today and she is 1 of the residents i moved out and it her interview she said jared polis would not last 5 minutes. >> i did hear her say that. what you think, it's not your job to figure out the governor worldview but why do you think

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he's not even reluctant to address the spot so eager to deny in it's entirety? >> i think to fold. at the gets his way of taking a cheap shot at a local republican. i also think politics are at play. there's a very important election on the line in november and i think politics are at play >> of your colleagues and other residents there have called out the biden-harris administration immigration policies and they are particularly citing the allowance for venezuelan nationals to come into united states essentially invented without any intelligence or criminal law enforcement cooperation from the venezuelan side. so you end up with a whole lot of foreign nationals living in colorado who the united states doesn't know anything about. what are your thoughts on that? >> exactly was going on.

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there's not enough if any information being gathered at the border on these folks, and how many of them i got a ways we don't know. will never know but this just absolutely shows the epic failure of the current policies in place at the southern border. >> how do you advise, you've been involved in trying to help residents there like you said evacuate apartments, how are you telling them to sort of protect themselves against the possibility of this order to keep their families safe and secure? >> at this point i haven't really offered any options of how they need to protect themselves. i just have been moving them out. they simply cannot stay." know how exactly you protect yourself from something like this. this is a complete takeover of these complexes. there's no staff. there's no property manager to call, no maintenance man nobody

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to call. 's. would be defenceless against a dozen armed men. >> that's exactly right. >> gillian: i guess it's hard to really do much in terms of preparation for an event like that. thanks for laying it up for us. thanks for bringing the issue to our attention on the network. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> here's another live look as we await trump and datagram pennsylvania. the former president launching a new effort to counter vp harris' big gains among black voters. we've got an exclusive with jun ayatollah so director of trump campaign black media arm. we have her on board next.

12:50 pm

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just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at [♪♪] >> martha: welcome back. former president trump is about to speak at a rally in battleground pennsylvania. his campaign there tries to win over more black women voters in particular. they put out the new video, featuring women who say they support trump, not vice president harris. look. >> i am not kamala. >> i support president trump. >> let's bring there jenia thomas. thank you for taking time with us. we appreciate it. >> yeah. >> martha: you got a steep road. it looks like ahead of you. latest polling shows that

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kamala harris nation wide locked in 83% of black vote, support among black voters nationwide. that is among men and women. that is an uphill mountain you will have to climb. >> yes, sure. president trump will meet people where they are. i think black voters know our messages resonates with them. they know trump cares about the economy, the crime. president trump is a stronger candidate. president trump has done an eexcellent job of showing up in places where kamala harris has not been. he went to the national association of black journalist conference and he faced a tough crowd. he answered questions about the most important thing is he showed up in a place where he knew people were not going to be welcome to him.

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>> well, he did certainly face a tough crowd at the black journalist conference, but he also didn't help himself out with his comments, questioning the vice president's ethnic and racial heritage. he said at the times, i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black. he has gotten a lot of pushback on that from black voters, white voter, democrats, republicans. why did he go there? >> i will say that. president trump didn't say anything a lot of people in the black community haven't been saying. >> about the vice president? >> yes. yes. for sure. a lot of black people have been questioning her race before he was vice president when she was run against biden. she was not popular with black people then and she is not that popular with black people now. we receiving a lot of -- we are seeing a lot of hype and a lot of joy and hope around them is

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like what they like to call it and i think that is fantasy world they are living in right now, isn't going to last for long. i think we are still going to see an uptick in black voters voting for president trump this year. >> it will have to be a very steep up tick because the reality is that she captured right now 83% of public approval from black voters across the country. >> yes, i mean i understand it is still early. we have plenty of work to do. we have two and a half months or so to get to november and we are still going to continue to do the work we have been doing and showing up a speak, to the issues. >> what other sort of campaign strategies are on the agenda for you guys as you work towards november? aside from prioritizing black women voters, what other groups is the campaign looking at right now. >> i mean also of course we want to gain more black men voters as well. but i think bigger part of our strategy is getting our message out to the right communities.

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i think we can do better on that as republicans in general making sure we meet people where they are and getting our message -- specially to black media u.s.a. audiences which isn't always the easiest thing to edmonton that is huge step for us to keep doing and that going into non-traditional media spaces as well like doing podcast and working with influencers, shows a lot of respect to the younger crowd and i think the president trump has a lot of momentum to move with the gen-z audience. >> thanks so much for come on with us today. great to get to know you, interviewing you for the first time. ment. thank you. >> you bet. we hope you will come back been take a look at this actor dennis quaid is getting candid now. the new movie "reagan" hits theatre today. he talked to fox news indidigital. what he thinks of president harris's nickeconomic plan.

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>> i didn't say yes for a couple of months when i got offered it. everyone knows reagan just like everyone in the world knows muhammad ali in a way and he was also a hero of mine. >> my favourite. i didn't want to do an impersonation. i went to the reagan ranch and that is where i really felt him. he was a very humble man, actually, throughout the reagan ranch and that is what i decided to take the role. >> not an easy role to take on indeed. quaid talked to martha in june. that was at clip you were hearing with the incredibly incredibly cute visual of his dog. as well. hope you guys will always go to fox nation and fox digital to check that out. >> that does it for us. august 30th. the story will go on. i will see you on the five at

1:00 pm

5:00 p.m. your world starts right now. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> neil: what is on top of americans taking to the roads and skies as

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